List of Graduands for the 43rd Mid-Year Graduation

Announcement: List of Graduands for the 43rd Mid-Year Graduation.

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is excited to announce the list of graduands for the forthcoming 43rd Mid-Year Graduation Ceremony. This significant event marks the culmination of hard work and dedication for our students, who will be awarded their degrees, diplomas, and certificates.

Graduation Ceremony Details:

  • Event: 43rd Mid-Year Graduation Ceremony
  • Date: 23rd May, 2024
  • Venue: Edward Moringe Campus

The comprehensive list of graduands is now available and can be accessed through the university’s official channels. Graduands are advised to review the list to ensure their names and details are correctly listed.

Instructions for Graduands:

  1. Verification: Graduands should verify their details in the list and report any discrepancies to the Heads of Department where their programs are offered immediately.
  2. Graduation Gowns: Graduation gowns will be issued by the Classroom Service Unit (CSU). Information regarding the collection of graduation gowns will be provided soon.
  3. Rehearsals: Attendance at the graduation rehearsal is mandatory for all graduands. The rehearsal schedule will be communicated in due course.

For more detailed information and to view the list of graduands, please click here.

Congratulations to all our graduands on reaching this milestone! We look forward to celebrating your achievements at the graduation ceremony.

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