The Directorate of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) at Sokoine University of Agriculture is thrilled to announce Ms. Grace Aloyce Kihombo as the esteemed recipient of the Best Worker of the Year 2024 award within this Directorate. Ms. Grace’s outstanding performance, characterized by her effective cooperation, seamless collaboration, remarkable work efficiency, and unwavering dedication, has truly set a shining example within our community.
The Directorate of Undergraduate Studies extends warm congratulations to Ms. Grace for this exceptional accomplishment. We are confident that this recognition will not only serve as a source of inspiration for her but also for every member of the DUS team.
The slogan of the commemoration of the International Workers Day for year 2024 states, “Nyongeza ya Mishahara ni Msingi wa Mafao bora na kinga Dhidi ya hali Ngumu ya Maisha”, that is to say in English, “Salary increment is the foundation for better benefits and protection against harsh living conditions.“
Happy International Workers Day to you all!!